What is mean by MAC ?
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Answer / prashant
mac means media access control address it is a physical
address which is give a lan crd by its manufecturar it is
hard coded and can be changed it is 32 bits address 16
bits for company id and 16 bits for product id.The Lan Mac
address change from the LAN property -> Configure ->
Advance network address.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 31 Yes | 10 No |
Answer / sreejith
MAC stands for media access control address, is often
referred as physical address. It is a unique physical
address which is burned on any industrial standard using
Ethernet technology during manufacturing. It is a 32 bit
address. Commonly indicated by 6 pairs of hexadecimal
digits. This 32 bit address is divided in to two parts of 16
each, the most significant 16 bits are manufacturer ID which
is unique for each manufacturer, and remaining 16 bits are
Product ID which will be unique for Ethernet devices of any
single manufacturer. MAC falls in the Data link layer of the
ISO OSI. ARP translates the MAC address into the IP address
or vice versa.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 17 Yes | 7 No |
Answer / subramani
Media Access Control or Ethernet hardware or physical address.
This works in Data Link layer, 48 bit address, no two
network cards will have same Mac address.
MAC address is burnt in the network card by the vendor.
E.g.: 0010ab 1234cd
0010a is Vendor Code 1234cd is Card No.
Switches and bridges learn Mac address from the source Mac
address to forward the broadcast based on layer two
Is This Answer Correct ? | 12 Yes | 4 No |
MAC stands for Meida Access Control.
It is the physical address of the system.
MAC address is unique for each system. MAC address helps
the system to be identified on the network.
MAC address can be checked from the CMD propmt.
Type ipconfig /all in the CMD prompt & it will give you the
Physical address of the system which is the MAC.
MAC address is also used to reserve any IP address in the
DHCP for a particular system.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / kislay
The Media Access Control Layer is one of two sublayers that
make up the Data Link Layer of the OSI model. The MAC layer
is responsible for moving data packets to and from one
Network Interface Card (NIC) to another across a shared
channel.The MAC sublayer uses MAC protocols to ensure that
signals sent from different stations across the same
channel don't collide.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 10 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / sabarish
mac means media access control address it is a physical
address which is give a lan crd by its manufecturar it is
hard coded and can not be changed it is 32 bits address 16
bits for company id and 16 bits for product id
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / santosh kumar
mac means media access control address it is a physical
address which is give a lan crd by its manufecturar it is
hard coded and can not be changed it is 32 bits address 16
bits for company id and 16 bits for product id
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / eng.hosni dami
The Media access control is a layer two protocol (Data link layer), it is part of two protocols which can deal with the switches and bridges.it is a 32 bit divided into 2 parts 48 bits for example 00:11:22:DD:EE:FF, each hexadecimal of these group is a 4 bits in length.its assumes as a physical address because it's indicate a physical device whiche is called a NIC (Network interface card).and the MAC address is unique around the world..and it is impossible to share the same MAC address between 2 NIC cards
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 0 No |
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