Hi All, I am new to QTP but i was trained on winrunner
before. My problem is..QTP 8.2 was unable to record my
application which is a java app. By selecting smart
identification, i was somehow able to record the test BUT
QTP cant run the test! Can anyone help me in walking
through this problem..Is java addin really necessary for
this?? Is there anyways i can run the test successfully? I
am not sure whats going wrong in my testing.Please do help
me asap as i need to submit the report early.
Thanks in advance
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Answer / rajendra
If u r automating Java application then u should need Java
add-inn.Without java add-inn tool cant identify objects.My
application also java, we r using QTP9.2 with java add-inn.
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Answer / shruthi
Thanks Rajendra! I tried installing QTp9.2 with java addin
but still the problem persist. According to you what do you
think the real problem is??the test stops responding while
running the script
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Can i know the error message,
then i can tell you what will be the problem after adding
java Add-in
Rohit Sharma.
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Answer / rajendra
Hi Shruthi,
1.May I know your application is Web application/stand-
alone application?
2.which technology u r using for dev(core java(swings),web
3.After recording using QTP what kind of script is
generating like...
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some times we write user define functions.where we write main and sub program,how,where to insert the functions in qtp?
what is smart identification in qtp? pls any give details? thanks in advance
how do u handle an object without name using QTP 9.2?
Have you used xml check point in your project? How?
In QTP TEST DIRECTOR COMBINATION WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF TEST DIRECTOR? In Somebody says to store test cases and design test cases.?ok fine , but In test director 5.0 , QTp not launching. what u do?
What is checkpoints for qtp?
how to merge object repositories?
Browser("Las Vegas Hotels - Las").Page("Vegas Hotels - Hotels").Link("Luxor") ......here Luxor is a hotel and this is recognised as a link. I have many hotels like Luxor, Palms etc which are all displayed as link...How do I parametrize this by using webtable functions??? ASAP
I have the following Doubts Please clarify me with examples? 1.Could QTP cover entire application? or part of the application? 2.Shall we rewrite(modify) the Manual testcase to automate? 3.How can I execute my scripts through client mechine which is not having QTP installation 4.Few objects are not being identified by QTP afeter one month. what could be the reason for this (I am using trail version of 15 days)
is we can import the object repository from external source. if it so then how?
What are the types of Object Repositories in QTP?
7 Answers AZTEC, CTS, Ready Test Go,