what is the difference b/w abstract and interface?
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Answer / n.suresh
Abstract can,t support multiple inheritence.
Interface can suppport the multiple inheritence.
Abstract have accesbulity modifiers.
Interface have no accesbulity modifiers.
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Answer / bhaskar.mantrala
Interfaces are same as classes but their methods are
declared with out any body..... and definition
corresponding to that allmethods will write on
implementation class(i.e)single class.BUT
interface interfacename
//Declarations only
//first method
//second method
//n-th method
//final variables
class classname implements interfacename
//Definitions of ALL methods present in interfacename
Abstract class also has same as interface and definitions of
all those methods may not be present in single extended class.
And we doesn't create an object to class that is abstract.
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