What is static in oop?

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4 Answers   HCL,

This program numbers the lines found in a text file. Write a program that reads text from a file and outputs each line preceded by a line number. Print the line number right-adjusted in a field of 3 spaces. Follow the line number with a colon, then one space, then the text of the line. You should get a character at a time and write code to ignore leading blanks on each line. You may assume that the lines are short enough to fit within a line on the screen. Otherwise, allow default printer or screen output behavior if the line is too long (i.e., wrap or truncate). A somewhat harder version determines the number of spaces needed in the field for the line numbers by counting lines before processing the lines of the file. This version of the program should insert a new line after the last complete word that will fit within a 72-character line.

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what is the abstract class,interface ,its difference with a programatic eg.? hi,recently i went for an interview they ask me what is abstract class ,interface and its difference I said abstract class contain abstact method ,abstract method is a method with no body.Abstract class cannot be instantiated.Abstract class is a base class it required derived class for the implementation of method. Interface is a syntactical contract that all derived class should follow it define properties ,method,events which are known as member of interface. Then They asked me what is the difference between them. I said abstract class interface 1.abstact class can implement method 1.interface cant 2.abstact class can contain constructor, 2.interface cant destructor 3.abstract class cannot support multiple 3.interface support inheritance etc Then they said some different answer I said dont no. Then they ask me when i should make abstract class for an project and when i should make interface. I said if suppose there is two class which must be having method with different logic then we sholud make abstract class. and if suppose we have two class having method .with different logic then we can make interface . Am i correct with my explaination.if not correct me .please provide me that when should we create abstract class and interface and what is difference .please help me

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