Which is better in performance - CONSTRAINT or TRIGGER over
a column which restricts say an input of particular value
in a column of a table?

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Which is better in performance - CONSTRAINT or TRIGGER over a column which restricts say an input ..

Answer / jerry joseph

Restricting the input using CONSTRAINT will have better
performance but there is a limit to the types of constraints
which we can provide..

With TRIGGERS you have more flexibility and provide a more
variety restrictions to the input.. for example you can
prevent a normal delete and make it a soft delete by setting
an IsDeleted flag using trigger.. we cant have that kind of
flexibility using Constraints..

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Which is better in performance - CONSTRAINT or TRIGGER over a column which restricts say an input ..

Answer / monal

Constraints gets evaluated before statement can be either
inserted or deleted or updated. While trigger executes
after or at the same time statement is executing. So if you
have to roll back transactio because transaction not
meeting condition there is no overhead when you are using
constraint ,but if you have to roll back transaction and
you have a trigger on that table or column either 1
transaction goes through before rolling back. So basically
trigger consumes more resources.

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Which is better in performance - CONSTRAINT or TRIGGER over a column which restricts say an input ..

Answer / guest

Constraint is better in terms of performance for same
operation. Why??

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