Mention the differences between having and where clause.
where do you use Isolations?give me some exmpale?
What is repeatable read?
Can we write a distributed query and get some data which is located on other server and oracle database?
What are the features of Embedded SQL
Indexes are updated automatically is the full-text index also updated automatically?
How to update multiple rows with one update statement in ms sql server?
What are the steps you must follow to hide sql server instances?
what are the steps you will take, if you are tasked with securing an sql server? : Sql server database administration
What do u mean by orphan users, how will u list them in the DB
If suppose in a table ship(name,year),find ship name having first and last name(i.e having space in between) ex: SAINT LOUIS,JET LAKE.
what are user defined datatypes? : Sql server database administration
Explain the difference between clustered and non-clustered index?