how to increase the perfomance in ur designer & reporting?
how to reduce the refershing time & what precations would u
take ?

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how to increase the perfomance in ur designer & reporting? how to reduce the refershing time &a..

Answer / poonam tekchandani

To increase the performance in universe:

-as possile as use less number of joins
- avoid use of user objects
- use aggregate awareness

To increase the performance in reports:
- avoid use of user objects

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how to increase the perfomance in ur designer & reporting? how to reduce the refershing time &a..

Answer / ashish

1. Increase array fetch size.
2. Use Bit map indexing on Fact columns.
3. Remove unwanted objects and classes from your universe.
4. Remove unwanted variables, filters and charts from report
5. Always ensure your fact table execute before your
dimensional table in the FROM clause (Query optimization)
ex. Select F1.A
Fact F1,
Dim D1
6. Use of Derived Tables so that complex calculation can be
performed at universe level.
7. Aggregate table
8. Remove unwanted alias and context.
9. Always ensure in join condition you have fact table
appearing at LHS. (F1.A=D1.B)
10. For prompts related columns, have indexing done at DB
11. Also at universe level you can change row count for
table rows for SQL execution as per requirements.

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how to increase the perfomance in ur designer & reporting? how to reduce the refershing time &a..

Answer / anil kumar ganga

To increase the performance in designer
1. Use as much conditions as possible
2. Use array fetch parameter
3. Limit the number of rows in Universe parameters as per
ur need
4. Resolve loops completely etc.,
To increase performance in reports:
1. Avoid usage of more variables
2. Use indexes on columns

Still more points are there, i didn't remember. Any body
can continue this post

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