how do we apply sql query on selected variables?
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Answer / vams_gk
first of all u have to know ur per requ. u
can drap and drop the variables in ur objectsresults and
conditions panel in deskI.on top we have icon with SQl
named .simply click on that u will get a whole sql query .
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Answer / narsi
if u drag the variable, automatically sql query will be
if u select new variable, one window will appear. in this
window u select the qualification(dia or detail or measure)
in defination window. go for formula tab, window will
appear here write a formula by using objects & operators.
if u have any errors or not plz check once parse condition.
Click apply > click ok.
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Answer / ansari
If we drag the variables automatically SQL query will added
and if you want to modify that query go to query panel->
click sql at the top and there is one options Do not
generate the sql query before running just click that option
and modify the query whatever you want.
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