Can Somebody tell me the difference between Clustered & Non-
Clustered Index??
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Answer / ramesh.p
The difference between a clustered index and a non-
clustered index is that when you use a clustered index, the
section of the table that comprises the index has its data
pages linked differently from those data pages comprising a
non-clustered index.
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Answer / vijaya
In Clustered Index, the data is physically sorted.
only one Clustered Index is created per table.
The data is stored in heap level of the B-tree.
In non-clustered Index, the physical order of the rows is
not same as the order of index.
there can be upto 249 non-clustered index per table.
the data is present in the random order but the logical
ordering is specified by the index.
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Answer / hari
while creating primary key it will create cluster index.
while creating unique key it will create noncluster index
---cluster index it will create only one per table
---Non Cluster index it will create up to 249 per table
--cluster index physical sort the data
--Non cluster index logical sort the data.
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Answer / vikas kant
Clustered index is a special type of index that reorders
the way in which the data is pysically stored in table.A
table can have just 1 clustered index.leaf nodes of a
clustered index contains the datapages.
Non clusterd index is also a special type of index in which
the logical order of the index doesnt match physical stored
rows on the disk.A table can have multiple indexes probably
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Answer / anjan ghosh
when we create index then we assign a primary or unique
field , after insert of records , the results is
clustered--(field) order by
nonclustered--no order(logical order)
create table nonclusterindex(Emid int,data varchar(800))
create table clusterindex(Emid int,data varchar(800))
create unique nonclustered index nonclusterindex_emid on
nonclusterindex (Emid)
create unique clustered index clusterindex_emid on
clusterindex (Emid)
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