what is stepin & stepout?
How to Import data from a ".xls" file to Data table during Runtime.
what is descriptive.create()in qtp?
datatable.Import("E:\Programming Samples\QTP Samples\OrderNumbers.xls") Asume we have 4 records in datatable Code reads the 4 rows in the sheet ok, but does it 5 times? It doesn't sound like closing the datasheet is the problem Can we close the datasheet runtime ?
Can anyone help.i need total excelsheet operations,shortcuts in testing environment from starting onwards....
What is All object and Local object in Object Repositary? Explain me please.
Can Any One Write How to Write the Script for Child Objects
How to find the difference between 2 dates in qtp?
before launching qtp, we need to close all the open browsers u dont know what are all the browsers either it might be ie,mozilla etc and u dont know how many brosers are open.... u need to close all these before launching qtp.. can anyone plz temme d solution...
I have made the recovery scenario in script. When i am exceuting the script. it stop automatically after running recovery scenario. Please tell the resaon?
How does qtp identify the object in the application?
When QTP object wait time is 10 seconds, and in test script wait time is 5 seconds and in function library wait time is 2 seconds how much time does the wait occur? or which is given priority.
1. What is extense of Result file in QTP?