Can anyone help me in esimating time for an application
using QTP tool..
What factors should be considered while calculating the
estimation time for QTP...
Thanks in advance...
Prasad Gali
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Answer / babu
First , how you are going to develop the qtp scripts.
are u going to use complete DP or Obj. Repository or mix
of both .i think , this is an important factor in effort
few of the factors which i consider for estimation ,
1) No. of resources
2)No of complex test cases
3)No of medium test cases
4)No of small test cases
5)Aprox. time required for each type of test case
6)Identify a sample set of test cases of three types and
see that how much time it takes for the automation
7)Identify the technologies used for the development and
knowledge avialabe with us.
8)know the product(business) knowledge with us
hope this will help u some what...
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Answer / prasad gali
Thank u very much...
Can u explain this more with taking a simple scenario
Prasad Gali
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Answer / manju
If it is for transaction - i think we can use
Start transaction and end transaction.
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How to integrate the qualitycenter with qtp
In an Excel sheet take two fields as agentname and password and type some valid agentname and password.call that excel sheet in qtp so that qtp opens the flightreservation window taking into consideration how many records are entered in the excel sheet.For example if 3 records are entered today it will open 3 FR windows,if in near future the records are more than 3 then it will open that number of times.
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can any one tell me what is syntax error in line msgexist=Browser("title:=Gmail: Email.*").Page( "title:=Gmail: Email .*").WebElement(innertext=&msg).exist 'code ************** Call login("lal="," " ) wait(5) Call errormsg("Invalid email address. [?]" ) Function errormsg(msg) msgexist=Browser("title:=Gmail: Email.*").Page( "title:=Gmail: Email .*").WebElement(innertext=&msg).exist if msgexist then Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"enter valid username or pwd ",msg else Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "entered valid uname and pwd",msg end if End Function
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