You have two buttons in web form and i clicked on one of
the button, so how do i find which button i've clicked on
the form in my page load?

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You have two buttons in web form and i clicked on one of the button, so how do i find which button..

Answer / vijaykumar

Just write code on page load


u got button name which one u clicked.

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You have two buttons in web form and i clicked on one of the button, so how do i find which button..

Answer / thiyagu

In page Load
will get which button is clicked

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

You have two buttons in web form and i clicked on one of the button, so how do i find which button..

Answer / guest

you can get the button name with request.forms collection
in the page load.

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 2 No

You have two buttons in web form and i clicked on one of the button, so how do i find which button..

Answer / gaurav joshi,mohit jethva

i have two button btnadd and btnupdate
If (Array.IndexOf(Request.Form.AllKeys, btnadd.ClientID))

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You have two buttons in web form and i clicked on one of the button, so how do i find which button..

Answer / rathore kuldeep

Request.Form("bsubmit")="name of button"

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You have two buttons in web form and i clicked on one of the button, so how do i find which button..

Answer / richard des jardins

I'm not real sure where you are trying to get this
information. Lets say you have two buttons whose
OnClick="MyButtonClick". The void MyButtonClick(Object
sender,EventArgs e) exposes the Button Object with the
sender reference. Cast the sender to a button and do what
ever you want with it.

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You have two buttons in web form and i clicked on one of the button, so how do i find which button..

Answer / sandhya

Useing commandName property we can find out.

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You have two buttons in web form and i clicked on one of the button, so how do i find which button..

Answer / nithya_raghu

the above code was returning the hidden field value. which
will be non readble format.please make sure before entering
the answer will it work or not.

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You have two buttons in web form and i clicked on one of the button, so how do i find which button..

Answer / bose

due to the question i have one doubt?
The click event is done while i creating the web
application time or after the deployment?

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You have two buttons in web form and i clicked on one of the button, so how do i find which button..

Answer / jaspaul

do a Response.write(sender.toString()) inside each of the
click event methods

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