1.what are local and global variables?
2.what is the scope of static variables?
3.what is the difference between static and global variables?
4.what are volatile variables?
5.what is the use of 'auto' keyword?
6.how do we make a global variable accessible across files?
Explain the extern keyword?
7.what is a function prototype?
8.what does keyword 'extern' mean in a function declaration?
What are the general description for loop statement and available loop types in c?
What is static and volatile in c?
Write a c program to print the even numbers followed by odd numbers in an array without using additional array
What is void main ()?
write a program to gat the digt sum of a number (et. 15= >1+5=6)
What are the disadvantages of a shell structure?
Program to write some contents into a file using file operations with proper error messages.
largest Of three Number using without if condition?
who is first prime minister in india??
What is difference between arrays and pointers?
What do you mean by team??
int array[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}; #define SIZE (sizeof(array)/sizeof(int)) main() { if(-1<=SIZE) printf("1"); else printf("2"); }