difference between xir2 and 6.5 version

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difference between xir2 and 6.5 version..

Answer / ravindra81

1. XI R2 has a 5 tier architecture,where as 6.5 has 3 tier
2. In XI R2 we have some new tools like Import wizard,
conversion tool etc.
3. In 6.5 we have a product called Business objects but now
its been renamed as Desktop intellegence.
4.In 6.5 we have supervisor, but there is no supervisor in
XI and they have introduced the new concept of CMC which is
used to created users,user groups etc.
5.In 6.5 reports are being stored in document domain of
repository, now they have introduced the concept of folders
and catagories.
6.In 6.5 we have BCA(broad cast agent)to schedule the
repots but in XI there is no BCA, u can schedule the
reports using "Scheduler" in CMC
7. not only these even in designer,deski&webi, u have some
new enhancements

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difference between xir2 and 6.5 version..

Answer / sankarnarayanan05

BOXI- Web Based Appliaction
BO 6.5 - Most of features are support only in Windows based

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difference between xir2 and 6.5 version..

Answer / sravan kumar(syntel inc.,)

In Business Objects 6.5 Repositories are created by
Supervisor after installing the software, Where as in BO
XIR2 by default 3 repositories are created while installing
the software.they are central management repository,File
repository and Audit repository.

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difference between xir2 and 6.5 version..

Answer / ganesh

WEBI Wise:--1) In 6.5 there is no "Alerts"
2) In Boxi having "alerts & Sub Alerts" also

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