Explain the functionality of your current project?
1.how to generate even numbers in surrogate or tranformar stage ? 2. how many ways to remove duplicate values?
how can u connect the client system directly at any time?
What is the difference between odbc and drs stage?
input like 2 7 8 9 5 1 7 3 6 output:2 5 6 how to find out this plz explain?
j1,j2,j3 jobs r runing iwant to run j1,j3 after j2 how to do this using sequencer? 2)j1,j2,j3 jobs r runing iwant to run j1,j2,j3 how to do this?
How can we improve the performance in datastage?
how to abort the job its matain duplicates?
Where the datastage stored his repository?
Scenario : I have 2 jobs say job A and Job B with parameters x and y respectively. I need to create a sequence job. If we pass parameter x then Job A should run, If we pass parameter y then Job B should run, if we dont pass any parameter then Both Job A & B should run.
Differentiate between datastage and datastage tx?
how to closeing records after 10,000 records come?
Hi Friends, I have a input data like, class_id Marks 101 50 101 60 101 40 102 90 102 35 And i want my output data like class_id Marks Rank 101 50 2 101 60 1 101 40 3 102 90 1 102 35 2 how to do this in datastage?
8 Answers Cognizant, HCL, TIAA CREF,