If requirments changed then how we can teach the QTP this
is the new requirment

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If requirments changed then how we can teach the QTP this is the new requirment..

Answer / subhan

if you are asking new requirement is added to existing
functanalities if you are using record and paly back then
we are going to record the new functanality by using action
object repository after that by merging it with shared
object repository using objectrepository merger qtp going
to identify the new functanalities otherwise by using
discriptive programming we are going to add the properties
of new functanalities that is the advantage of QTP

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If requirments changed then how we can teach the QTP this is the new requirment..

Answer / seed

if there is measure change in GUI or functionality of
application then create new test.

if some of objects & it's properties are changed do
changes in OR such changing logical name or add/delete

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