In a shcool there are 1000 students. After completion of
every test in 6 subjects , each subject teacher submit the
marks of every student at different times and loaded in the
database commonly. How will you seperate the top two
subject marks for each each studet using SAS?
Answers were Sorted based on User's Feedback
Bakul Shah
Data A ;
Array N{6};
Input Name $ N{*} ;
Call SortN(of N{*}); /* Sort for Intergers */
Put @5 Name $ @10 N{6} 3. +2 N{5} 3.;/* 6th and 5th */
David 76 81 65 87 78 98
Manisha 100 91 67 86 87 81
Bob 83 93 76 88 96 72
Is This Answer Correct ? | 6 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / ashutosh
slightly modified
data nrate;
set rating;
array r{6} a -- f;
do i=1 to 6;
*for first maximum;
if r{i}>max1 then
*for second maximum;
if r{i}>max2 and r{i}<max1 then max2=r{i};
proc print data=nrate;
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / ashokmudrathi
data rating;
input a b c d e f;
1 54 21 5 7 2
2 21 54 67 3 5
*here 1000 observations with above variables;
data nrate;
set rating;
array r{6} a -- f;
do i=1 to 6;
*for first maximum;
if r{i}>max1 then max1=r{i};
*for second maximum;
if r{i}>max2 and r{i}<max1 then max2=r{i};
proc print;
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / santosh reddy
data x;
set rating;
max1=max(of a--f);
array aa(6) a--f;
do i=1 to 6;
if aa(i)>max2 and aa(i)<max1 then max2=aa(i);
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / basha
just i imagine data in data base is;
like below output dataset:
data rating;
input name $ a b c d e f;
raj 1 54 21 5 7 2
jar 2 21 54 67 3 5
proc sort data=rating;
by name;
proc transpose data=rating out=marks(rename=(col1=marks
_name_=subjects) drop=_label_);
by name;
proc sort data=marks;
by descending marks name;
data jj;
set marks;
by name;
if then ind=0;
proc print;
where ind in(1,2);
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 3 No |
Answer / hahaha
proc sort data=marks;
by name descending marks ;/*for answer 2, just change the
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 2 No |
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/* This is example of age caluculate wihtout to display perfect days and years in output window */ data age; retain dob "12jun2003"d now "24may2011"d; age1=now-dob; age=(now-dob)/365.25; years=int(age); days1=round((age-years)*365.25); months=month(now)-1; if days1 gt 30 and months in(12,10,8,6,4,2)then do; month1=days1/30.4375; month=int(days1/30.4375); if day(now)=1 then days=1; else days=round((month1-month)*30.4375)+1; drop days1 month1 month; end; else if days1 gt 30 and months in (1,3,5,7,9,11)then do; month1=days1/30.4375; month=int(days1/30.4375); if day(now)=1 then days=1; else days=round((month1-month) *30.4375); drop days1 month1 month; end; drop age age1; proc print data=age; format dob now date.; run;
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