Why MFC is not Supporting in Smartphones,This is also winCE
mobile then why?

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Why MFC is not Supporting in Smartphones,This is also winCE mobile then why?..

Answer / geo

I am not sure in every cases, whether this is true..??
May be the reason is,
While compared to PocketPc, smartphone has a limited h/w
resources, like memories etc. In order to reduce the
kernel+application size, they are removing the libraries for
the MFC .

If anyone know a good reason for this, please post it

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Why MFC is not Supporting in Smartphones,This is also winCE mobile then why?..

Answer / navin

Well there is nothing to related with limited H/w I believe,
Because MFC is just a collection classes designed using the
Windows APIs , to provide ease of use.
So the proper answer may Be...
To design any application on mobile.. We have very limited
APIs which user can directly used. Generally in Embedded
system (even in Soft RTOS also ) , if application design
using less ( comfort )layer like MFC ( and other if it is
there :) ),then your aplication would be more efficient.
That's why even today's era... The application written in
Assembly is the most efficient application then others.

I still have more points to discuss..

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Why MFC is not Supporting in Smartphones,This is also winCE mobile then why?..

Answer / navin salunke

Here is one more brief answer...
smartphone os is the customize os upon the WinCE os. If
during creation of smartphone OS if microsoft would have
added support for MFC. Then the smartphone O S can support
the MFC.
Similar also true for compact framework support.

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