What is Device driver?

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What is Device driver?..

Answer / sk

A device driver is a code that performs device control
operations specific to the device being addressed.
It is software layer that lies between applications and the
actual device.

or a more formal definition would be
Device drivers are distinct black boxes that make a
particular piece of hardware respond to a well defined
internal programming interface.

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What is Device driver?..

Answer / sai kiran

How a vehicle needs a driver to make the vehicle run
properly, similarly for an embedded systems a device driver
will make it run or work according to the user events or
timer events or through some h/w interrupts.

Its a software abstraction layer which will sit just above
the h/w. So an application can be written using the device
driver API calls. So depending on the API call being called
from application, the device which has been programmed to
do a specific task will be performed.

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What is Device driver?..

Answer / achal ubbott

a device driver is typical for each kind of device. you may
find many diver softwares for an audio device. in linux a DD
is part of kernel. Driver is the software that makes a real
hardware device(chip/ ic) work. Its job is to configure the
device , create special files for that , read/write to the

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 0 No

What is Device driver?..

Answer / bijosh

Device Driver is a software abstraction to the under lying
hardware, which allows an application programmer to access
the device with out knowing the complexities of the hardware.

In windows CE a device driver is a part of BSP.

There are two types of drivers in Windows CE.

1. Native Device Drivers (Loaded and managed by GWES.exe)
2. Stream Device Drivers (Loaded and managed by the
manager), which exposes a set of functions called
stream device interface. The interfaces gives a file
like view for the device.

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What is Device driver?..

Answer / geo

Device Driver lies between the Hardware & operating system.
Through this layer only all the request/response between the
OS & H/w are happening,

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What is Device driver?..

Answer / pradeep dhondi

It is software which talks to the device

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What is Device driver?..

Answer / kvvn

A driver is fundamentally a piece of software written for a specific device.
Its main tasks are to perform I/O's on a device. To do this there are typically well defined models for a driver.

Generic description of a driver structure will be:
a) Device I/O Address (Physical Hardware -> Logical OS based address)
b) Interrupt that the device generates and its handler (the driver)
c) A software Handler to manage the read write operations to and fro from the device.

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What is Device driver?..

Answer / meghna

By the help of device driver the interaction between the
hardware and the OS can be possible

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 1 No

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