hello...any one tell me , where can i get company email
id.. actually i am searching on testing... in my CV i put
3+ exp.. but all companies are asked company email id..
please provide solution for that...
thanx in advance...
Answers were Sorted based on User's Feedback
Answer / ramana
consult any consultansy in your city.
they wll provide you fake certificates(pay slips,hike
certificates,bank statements,relieve certificates) and mail
ids also.i think you have to pay 2000rs for it after
getting job at the time of taking NOL you have to pay up to
8000 rs/-
Is This Answer Correct ? | 12 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / satish
You are having 3+ yrs exp. and u don't have email id, how
can it be.
For which co. u r working now ? Ask ur HR for your co.
email id.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 15 Yes | 9 No |
Answer / sreekanth
Hi dude,
Since you are working for 3+ years in IT - Testing in
certain company (AS per your resume) ,so as per the
recruiters point of view it's clear that your are a company
employee , so they are expecting your official mail id
(ex:if u kept working in wipro in ur resume..then
Is This Answer Correct ? | 10 Yes | 6 No |
Answer / sreekanth
Hi dude,
Since you are working for 3+ years in IT - Testing in
certain company (AS per your resume) ,so as per the
recruiters point of view it's clear that your are a company
employee , so they are expecting your official mail id
(ex:if u kept working in wipro in ur resume..then
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / bharat
Name : Bharat Tayade
Address : Telephone Colony, Divirision
Road , Khargone
Pin Code 451001
Professional Qualification:-
* 10th M.P.Board, Bhopal
* 12th M.P.Board, Bhopal
Personal Details :-
Name : Bharat
Father Name : Shri
Deoman Tayade
Date of Birth : 02-07-1982
Maritals Status : Unmarried
Nationality : Indian
Language :-
Permanent Address : Telephone
Colony, Divirision
Road , Khargone
Code 451001
Work Experience :- 1 Year
Shrinath Photo Copy
Hindi & English Typing Experience
2004 to 2007
Akash Photo Copy & Computer
Center Hindi &
English Typing
Other Qulification Hindi &
English Tayping in yash
Tayping,Institute Khargon.
I hereby declare that above information are totally
authentic and to best of my knowledge. References would be
available as and when required .
Place: Khargone
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 8 No |
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