Where the datapool column names are stored?
Can we compile the .sbl file?
Shortcut Key for Playback and Halting the playback in Rational Robot are a. F8 and F9 b. F5 and F9 c. F5 and F11 d. F8 and F11
What is the use of Global.sbl file in Rational?
What is RTRT??
how you copy test cases from .xls to Quality centre?
Symbol for comments in Rational?
What is the purpose of the wait state?
What is the purpose of .sbl, .sbh, .rec files?
Where the datapool values are stored?
Which of the following is not a built-in input type in Rational Test Manager a. Rational Requisite Pro b. Rational Rose c. Microsoft Excel d. Rational Clear Quest
What is the planning and creating datapool?
What is meant by verification point and what is the use of it?