what is the purpose of update command in oracle?
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Answer / zikku
update command sets the values of a particular column .
using this command we can manipulate data within a database.
update command can be used with where clause.using this we
can set the values in a column at any time.
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Answer / kotravel. b
to manipulate the data in exisiting row
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Answer / highness
Update command is used to change the value of an
column/s (field) of a table
to change an existing value/s of a table
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Answer / vidhun
update command is used to modify the values of existing
here where clause is used to check the condition where we
want to make change?
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Answer / kiran kumar
update command is used to modify the existing column by
using where clause...
if we dont use the where the enitire columns in the table is
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Answer / vasan
Update command is used to modify, we can modify column
name,Values etc.,
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declare v_count number(8,3); v_sal scott.emp.sal%type := '&P_sal'; cursor cur_name is select sal from scott.emp where sal between (v_sal-100) and (v_sal +1000); begin v_count :=nvl(sql%rowcount ,0); if v_count = 0 then dbms_output.put_line('no records are fetch in the given sal range'); else dbms_output.put_line('There is/are '||to_char(v_count)|| ' salaries are selected in the given range '); end if; end; in the above programm .....for any sal range ....always it shows the following message.. no records are fetch in the given sal range please find the mistake and share with me...with thansk and regards..sarao....
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