What is a wildcard mask, and how is it different from a

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What is a wildcard mask, and how is it different from a netmask? ..

Answer / sunilbaglur

wildcard mask A 32-bit quantity used in conjunction with an
IP address to determine which bits in an IP address should
be ignored when comparing that address with another IP
address. A wildcard mask is specified when setting up
access lists.

the differnence is wildcard mask is used in ACL, OSPF etc.,
where has netmask is the mask use to define ip addersing

Is This Answer Correct ?    34 Yes 6 No

What is a wildcard mask, and how is it different from a netmask? ..

Answer / lutfar

wild card musk is nothing but opposite of subnet musk eg
subnet musk wild card musk

Is This Answer Correct ?    36 Yes 13 No

What is a wildcard mask, and how is it different from a netmask? ..

Answer / tushar

The easiest way to calculate wild card mask is subtract your net mask from
i.e. if your net mask is then corresponding wild card mask will be
0. 0. 13.255

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 3 No

What is a wildcard mask, and how is it different from a netmask? ..

Answer / avnish

wildcard mask A 32-bit quantity used in conjunction with an
IP address to determine which bits in an IP address should
be ignored when comparing that address with another IP
address. A wildcard mask is specified when setting up
access lists.

the differnence is wildcard mask is used in ACL, OSPF etc.,
where has netmask is the mask use to define ip addersing
wild card musk is nothing but opposite of subnet musk eg
subnet musk wild card musk

Is This Answer Correct ?    22 Yes 7 No

What is a wildcard mask, and how is it different from a netmask? ..

Answer / ahsan

wildcard mask A 32-bit quantity used in conjunction with an
IP address to determine which bits in an IP address should
be ignored when comparing that address with another IP
address. A wildcard mask is specified when setting up
access lists.

the differnence is wildcard mask is used in ACL, OSPF etc.,
where has netmask is the mask use to define ip addersing

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 3 No

What is a wildcard mask, and how is it different from a netmask? ..

Answer / restituta

the differnence is wildcard mask is used in ACL, OSPF etc.,
where has netmask is the mask use to define ip addersing

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 3 No

What is a wildcard mask, and how is it different from a netmask? ..

Answer / anwar

The simple and easy way to understand wild card mask is add
the no with the digit so that your subnet mask equal to for example we have subnet mask by add 3 to it make the last no 255 so wild
card mask is reverse of it (252+3=255) here this
subnet mask is used for

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

What is a wildcard mask, and how is it different from a netmask? ..

Answer / revathy

Wild card mask is different from Sub net mask.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 6 No

What is a wildcard mask, and how is it different from a netmask? ..

Answer / syed mahboob feroz ahmed

We can define Wildcard Mask as opposite to Netmask
Address.If NetMask is the wild card Mask is
defined as

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 24 No

What is a wildcard mask, and how is it different from a netmask? ..

Answer / syed mahboob feroz ahmed

Wildcrad Mask is defined as ViceVersa for SubNetMask.
For example if SubNetMask is then wildcard
MAsk is defined as
for Class C.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 23 No

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