Is it possible to perform performance/stress tests
using Rational Test Manager, by executing manual test
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there are 2 types of scripts: functional (GUI) and loading
(vu). Loading scripts has no verification points, they are
just for loading. and GUI scripts can't be used instead.
as i remember...
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1. Which of this is not a verification point a. File Comparison b. File Existence c. Module Comparison d. Module Existence
What is not present in iterations of test manager? a. Owner b. Name c. Child iteration d. Start date and end date
Where the datapool column names are stored?
What is Datapool?
Where the datapool column names are stored?
What are the Limitations/Disadvantages of Rational Function Test?
Which of the following is not a built-in input type in Rational Test Manager a. Rational Requisite Pro b. Rational Rose c. Microsoft Excel d. Rational Clear Quest
Could any one share scripts... where we can Parameterize radio buttons and Check boxes.
What is datapool cursor?
What is the purpose of the wait state?
Which of these is not a kind of report in Rational Test Manager a. Performance Report b. Build Listing Report c. Test Plan Report d. Test Case Report
I wanna to learn RFT can anyone send me the learning material including demo. I am working on mainframe based project using RFT, but don't have that much knowledge of java scripts so need to learn.