Waht is diff between SystemUtil.Run and invokeapplication
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Answer / firoz basha shaik
Invoke is used to exeecute an .exe file but by using
systemutil.run we can open both .exe file as well as
browser fles.
invokeapplication "c:\IE\Iexplore.exe"
SystemUtil.Run "c:\IE\Iexplore.exe", "www.yahoo.com"
I think i am right. Please correct If I am wrong.
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Answer / ravi_kanakam
The invokeapplicaton method can invoke only an executable
application(file with EXE extenstion)
The systemutil.run method can invoke any application.
For example
systemutil.run "c:\testdata.txt"
invokeapplication "c:\diskcleaner.exe"
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Answer / sunil kumar.m
Invoke application is used to invoke any .exe file, where as
SystemUtil.Run works with any system utilities like
“Iexplore” apart from .exe file
for more details logon to:
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / ram
by using invoke application we can open only exe file
by using SystemUtil.Run we can open any widows and web
application and .exe file
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