Waht is diff between SystemUtil.Run and invokeapplication
Answer Posted / sunil kumar.m
Invoke application is used to invoke any .exe file, where as
SystemUtil.Run works with any system utilities like
“Iexplore” apart from .exe file
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Hi,Sudhanandareddy plz forword framework and ppts for QTP to me. This is my mail id: ranjith_99reddy@yahoo.co.in (your contact number also)
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Hi, I am using OutputCheckPoint for 2 webelements Bed:4 and Bath:2 Full,1 partial in my result page and I am storing the value in the data table. I dont need the string Bed:4,I would like to get only the no 4. How can I get it? Even though I highlight only 4,It is seleting the full value "bed 4". Same thing happend for second webelement Bath:2 Full,1 partial I need only the No 2. I used the following to split MyArray = Split(UIBathResult, " ", -1, 1) But it is giving the value My Array(0)=Bath:2full,1Partial I need the only the nos for further comparision.Any help? Thanks Uma
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I am facing an issue of object identification with the dropdown element of DHTML grid. When I tried to recognize these different dropdown objects, QTP identifies only one object for all the dropdowns. Hence, selection of different data from different dropdowns list is an issue. To overcome this problem, i have used Descriptive Programming technique by creating different object descriptions which have all the other properties same but differ only in one property i.e. ‘X’ location of the element on the screen. Hence, i have created distinct object descriptions that would allow us to select values in different dropdowns. The code is given below. But still I am unable to identify distinct dropdown objects. ‘Object Description for Dropdown Cell Status Set objCellStatus = Description.Create objCellStatus("micclass").value = "WebList" objCellStatus("name").value = "select" objCellStatus("x").value = 219 ------ ‘X’ Axis value for cell status drop down ‘Object Description for Dropdown Sub Segment Set objSubSegment = Description.Create objSubSegment("micclass").value = "WebList" objSubSegment("name").value = "select" objSubSegment("x").value = "319" ------ ‘X’ Axis value for sub segment drop down Please help... This is specific to DTML grid(Drop down object)
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HI I want to know the detials of QTP certifications such as syllabus, study Materil etc. Can any provide me all these details?? my mail ID is krishnuvk@yahoo.com
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