What are all the points to keep in consideration, while we
are migrating the Universes,Reports from BO5.1.6 to BO 6.5?
Is is compatible to migrate like this? Does it effect the
filters in Reports and Join in the Universe?
What is the difference between the Bo 3.0 and 3.1?
disadvantages of boxi
Can any body will explain about sarrogat key? Thanks in advance...........Prakash
What are different types of saving options in web intelligence?
what is meant by slowly changing dimensions?
when will use compatible and incompatible objects?
1 Answers Business Intelligence Analytics, iGate, TCS,
What is the Drill filter and it's usage?
Explain what are the measure objects?
what are the tables used in health care domain project and columns used in report?
Why do we need metrics and sets?
Which command using Query Analyzer will give you the version of SQL server and operating system ?