How will you do data driven testing using Robot?
Is it possible to perform performance/stress tests using Rational Test Manager, by executing manual test scripts?
How to analyze results after playback?
What kind of problems are solved by Datapools?
Where the datapool values are stored?
How will you test Java Applications and what settings you need to do?
Shortcut Keys for Recording a GUI Script and VU Session are a. F2 and F3 b. Ctrl+ R and Ctrl + Shift + R c. Ctrl+ R and Alt +R d. Ctrl + G and Ctrl + V
What information is contained in the Datapool_config section?
How many Comparators are there in Rational Robot? List them.
Where the datapool values are stored?
how many technologies and environments do the rational rose supports?
What are the different data pool access orders?
What is Datapool?