what is the bond code in materialized view?
What is a cursor for loop ?
Which command is used to delete a trigger?
can we create index on index?
What is procedure and function?
i have doubt that any one tell ref cursor comes in sql pl/sql? pls clarify?
What is a record in a database?
hello..... i am an comp science engineering graduate planning to do ORACLE certification in PLSQL 9i. just wanted to know whats the possibility getting job is their openings???? is it worth doin that course n certification
how to eliminate null values in a column i.e table vlaues 1 2 3 NULL 3 4 1 5 NULL i want output like this 1 2 3 3 4 1 5 i dnt want to use nvl is null and i dnt want replace the NULL value with any value i.e nvl(col,o);
Explain the working of foreign key?
What is the difference between cluster and non-cluster index?
What is cascade in sql?
What is rule base and cost base optimizer?