When do u go for integration testing?
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Hi Mohan.. Once the integration testing is over then only
the biuld comes to QA environment...
integration testing-- when the all units of code or unit
modules all r finished and those modules r integrated to
one system, then integration testing is need to check the
system is working fine when integrated all modules...
if i am wrong please correct me....
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Answer / suyog pokharkar
Yes Mohan Surendra is absolutly right.
The purpose of an intgration testing is check combine
performance of each single unit or module or component.We
check there indivisual performance or correctness in unit
testing so after that integration testing is must.
if I m wrong please inform me on
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Answer / ganesh
It depends on the application you test. Say if the Software
application developed does not have any dependency over any
other components, then no need of Integration testing.
Eg: The application requires just an input from the user
and it generates an output, then this needn't be
integration tested.
If the application is dependent on various sources to
obtain its input then we should go for Integration testing.
Eg: Say Application "Apollo" has to wait for an XML from
system A, wait for a response from system B etc. So here
the integration of Apollo with system A and system B has to
be tested.
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