Write test cases to anti virus software?

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Write test cases to anti virus software?..

Answer / nitin oberoi

Hi Guys!! This is my first time I am posting some technical
answer to this Portal.I searched for this answer and found
that no one answered for this so I initiated and write some
of the testcases,though there are many more testcases which
can be written for this scenario.

Testcases to test Antivirus:

1.To verify that user is able to install Antivirus
application on all of the expected platforms as mentioned
in the requirement doc.
2.To verify that user is able to setup the Antivirus client
to his machine by executing the Exe file.
3.To verify that a shortcut appears at taskbar of our
desktop, If installation of the antivirus is completed
4.To verify that the antivirus application's main screen is
displayed with all its options enabled when the application
is executed.
5.To verify that the user is able to browse to a specific
folder to Scan the specific folder.
6.To verify that all of its subfolders are scanned for
virus successfully when a drive/folder is selected to scan.
7.To verify that status message “scanning 100% completed”
is displayed once scanning is completed.
8.To verify that the manual scanning is completed
9.To verify that Virus definitions of the Antivirus
application are updated.
10.To verify that all viruses with their details and
specific location are displayed, If antivirus finds any
virus while scanning. To verify that the option to delete
all of these viruses is appeared and status message “Virus
is deleted successfully” is appeared when virus is deleted.
11.To verify that user is able to schedule automated
routine checkups successfully.
12.To verify that the scheduled routine scan is completed
13.To verify that the error message “Renew the license!!”
is displayed If the license of the Antivirus application is
going to be expired/or is already expired.
14.To verify that the message "Please update Virus
definitions" is displayed If Virus definitions of the
Antivirus are outdated.

Adhoc Testcases:
1.Introduce any external media device with a file embedded
with a virus then verify that antivirus application is able
to detect the virus successfully.
2. Introduce any external media device with a file embedded
with more than one virus then antivirus application is able
to detect all of the viruses successfully.
3.Introduce a file without any virus and then message "No
error detected" is displayed on the screen.


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Write test cases to anti virus software?..

Answer / snehal

thank you so much nitin

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