Write a C program to solve the quadratic equation ax^2+bx+c=0.
A quadratic equation has two roots which are given by the following two formulas:
root1= -b+sqrt(b^2-4*a*c)/2*a
root1= -b-sqrt(b^2-4*a*c)/2*a
The program request the user for input a,b,c and the output will be root1 and root2.
int main(){
float a,b,c;
float d,root1,root2;
printf("Enter quadratic equation in the format ax^2+bx+c: ");
d = b * b - 4 * a * c;
if(d < 0){
printf("Roots are complex number.
return 0;
root1 = ( -b + sqrt(d)) / (2* a);
root2 = ( -b - sqrt(d)) / (2* a);
printf("Roots of quadratic equation are: %.3f , %.3f",root1,root2);
return 0;
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