What is information schema in sql?
explain the difference between bool, tinyint and bit. : Sql dba
How can we Get the Updated Rows? ie, There is 100s of Rows i updated the Rows who have salary 5000. then i want to select the Updated Rows. How can we achieve it?
In testing where do we use sql language and how it helps in testing?
Why is stored procedure faster than query?
How do I find duplicates in a single column in sql?
What is extent clause in table space?
I want to create synonym for table emp but in my pc it is giving insufficient previliges.I am using user scott.Please suggest me.
what is a database lock ? : Sql dba
Is delete faster than truncate?
How do you concatenate in sql?
Can we have two clustered index on a table?
What is memory optimized table?