Can we do dml on views?
What is Primary key and foreign key? Give an example
create procedure proc1 (@a int) as begin if @a=1 create table #temp(a1 int) else create table #temp(a1 int) end while executeing the above code it shows error like '#temp already exist' .why it shows an error?
How to enter comments in transact-sql statements?
What are the four main query statements?
What is a document index?
Equi join and non equi join is possible with sql server?
What is the difference between rank and dense_rank?
How can you get @@error and @@rowcount at the same time?
Why is there a performance difference between two similar queries where one uses union and the other uses union all?
How to receive returning result from a query?
Rate yourself in .NET and SQL ?
1 Answers Cognizant, HCL, SunGard,
is there a column to which a default can't be bound? : Sql server database administration