How global cursor can be declare with dynamic trigger ?
how can i read files from a pl/sq l program
Is id a reserved word in sql?
how to check the 3rd max salary from an employee table?
Under what condition it is possible to have a page level lock and row lock at the same time for a query? : Transact sql
How to display the contents of a current record fetched in a reference cursor?
How would you convert date into julian date format?
What is primary key in db?
Which one is the Best approach to put code, among Triggers and Procedures? Explain?
What are indexes, and what are the different types?
What does closing a cursor do?
When we can declare a column as Unique and Not Null both at the same time. What is the use pf Primary Key then?
2 Answers Accenture, Unisoft Infotech,
Is it possible for a table to have more than one foreign key?