What are the different dcl commands in sql?
What are hotfixes and patches?
Why are indexes and views important to an organization?
What are instead of triggers?
what are the differences between procedure-oriented languages and object-oriented languages? : Sql dba
What is the use of & in pl sql?
Write a query to get 2nd maximum salary in an employee table ?
69 Answers Accenture, BirlaSoft, Letse, Logica CMG, Qwest, Rheal Software, Saagam, Semantic Space, Tailor Solution, TCS, TinyERP,
what is inline command?
How many sectors are in a partition?
What is the usage of nvl function?
What is the difference between left outer join and left join?
How do you remove duplicate records from a table?
Why is sql*loader direct path so fast?