What is updatable resultset?
What are the security related catalog views? : sql server security
Write the queries for commands like Create Table, Delete table, Drop Table etc.
0 Answers HPCL, Hughes Systique Corporation,
What is unpivot?
If any possiable to use 2 primary key in single table? How many primary key & foreign key used in each table(min & max)?
Can we call a function that has out parameter in select statement
What is the difference between Userdefined function and stored procedure? Explain and give the example also
In which situation you use Self joins?
1 Answers CarrizalSoft Technologies, HP, TCS,
you have couple of stored procedures that depend on a table you dropped the table and recreated it what do you have to do to reestablish those stored procedure dependencies?
where do you use Isolations?give me some exmpale?
What is self contained sub query?
What are the different types of columns types constraints in the sql server?
What is the use of @@spid?