What is the use of @@spid?
what is hash table
What is the purpose of linked server configuration in sql server?
what is web server?
Explain table valued parameters in sql server? Why tvp used?
What Are Three Rules to Use UNION IN SQL SERVER
Hello all, I have data like :- year amt 2004 10 2005 20 2006 30 Now i want output as:- 2004 2005 2006 10 30 60 but i have to use here group by on year.So, i need a single query within that i can find.
What are synonyms?
what are acid properties? : Sql server database administration
what is meant by sql injection with example and one more question how to catch the errors in sqlserver
Can we write ddl in trigger?
What are the types of user defined functions in sql server?
why SQL server is more used to store database rather than Access