What are the steps in connecting to database?
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1. U need to declare name space according to which database
u need to connect.
2. U can declare connection string in two ways.
1. U can declare in web.config in appsettings.
2. U can delare directly in code behind or in inline code
These can delared by using connection string.
3. Then u can do the operations by open the connection.
4. After complete all ur transcations u need to close the
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Answer / sireesha
In the method {}...
Step 1: Create a connection:
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection();
Con.ConnectionString = “DataSource =Server Name;
Initial Catalog = Database Name; Integrated Security=True”;
Step 2: Create a Command:
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommangd();
Step 3: Bind the Command to Connection:
cmd.Connection = con;
Step 4: Initialise the Command with SQL Statement to execute
String Name = txtName.Text;
decimal Salary = decimal.parse(txtsalary.Text);
cmd.CommandText = "insert into Emp
(EmpName,EmpSalary) Value(' "+name+" ',"+salary")";
Step 5: Open the Connection
Step 6: Execute the Command
Like we have different execute command statements
like ExecuteNonQuery(),ExecuteScalar(),ExecuteReader(). Use
as per the requirement of data.
Step 7: Close the connection
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / sanket pandit
An alternate, and preferred way, to using the DriverManager class is to use a DataSource object.
This is for SQ L Ans.
1. The data source is registered on the server side, which stores connection information, like: host, port, sid, credentials (optional), driver to use, etc.
2. The application gets a handle on the data source through a JNDI lookup.
3. The DataSource object is a connection factory and you can invoke .getConnection()
One of the reasons it is preferred over the DriverManager is because it is more flexible. The connection in
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