What is the use of get and post method in php?
Draw a schematic diagram of a Half Adder. Can you draw the same using only NAND gates?
how can you describe the relationship between a flexible management topology and the network deployment cell?
Does a windows administrator have to be critical ?
What is Controller in MVC application?
State the differences between power amplifier and voltage amplifier.
How can we execute job on remote server in local Talend Studio?
Why should one use maven?
Which command is used to the “filtering results” category- explain?
4. main() { int c=- -2; printf("c=%d",c); }
Hi all i did my M.B.A financ enw iam doing a job as a finance executive but i feel it is not good 4 me can any 1 plz guide me 4 the better career my job profile is (INVOICING)hw it is help me out 4 the better career shell i continu ein the same 1 by learning sap or oracle or shall i shift to any other if any other which job is suites to me plz suggest me
Where do you find the themes to install?
Hi all, Pls find the bellow mentioned interview questions related to hp-unix. 1. Job Scheduling; mainly crontab, at, batch command 2. Backup stetegy; incremental, full system back up; diff between tar & ufsdump 3. diff between hard link & softlink 4. How to list only the directories inside a directory (Ans. ls -l|grep "^d") 5. RAID levels; pros & cons of diffrent levels; what is RAID 1+0 6. How to recover a system whose root password has lost? 7. What is a daemon? 8. How to put a job in background & bring it to foreground? 9. What is default permissions for others in a file? 10. Questions on shell initialization scripts? 11. Questions on restricted shell 12. What is diff betwn grep & find? 13. What is egrep? 14. Questions on shell programming 15. What is a pipe? 16. Questions on Solaris patch management like pkgadd etc Thnaks & Regards Biswanath Das Email ID:biswanath_das84@yahoo.com
What is the tallest man made structure in the world?