Which is faster datareader or dataadapter?
What is ado.net code?
what are types of Dataset ?
Explain advantages of ado.net?
Can we create Synonymns in MS Acess,My Sql Server,Sql Server? But iam we can create in oracle!
What is different between sqlcommand object and command behavior object?
What is an orm, and why would you use one instead of plain old ado.net?
Some important instruction regarding ADO.NET connection string ?
Which database is the ado.net?
ADO.NET is Disconnected Architecture. DataReader is connected Architecture, but DataReader is a part of ADO.NET. How is it possible?
What does executenonquery () method return?
what purpose of Indexing creating? directly we can search the reqired row with the help of query?what is the use of indexing?
What is the difference between Data adaptor and Data set?