How to sort the data in Datatable

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How to sort the data in Datatable..

Answer / kamalakannan.a

I think the above answer is correct.Another one method is

DataTable dt=new DataTable();
DataRow[] dr=dt.Select("Filter Expression","Sort

Here Sort expression is , for eg.Address is one of the
field in dt.

Then DataRow[] dr=dt.Select("","Address ASC");

But in this method is have the Datarow array.So you can use
another one method,I explain below.

DataView dv=new DataView(Datatable,Filter Exp,Sort

Eg is

DataView dv=new DataView(dt,"","Address

Here we can copy this Dataview to datatable or use this
same dataview instead of datatable.


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How to sort the data in Datatable..

Answer / narayansahu

pass the datatable in dataview object and call the sort
method on dataview
dataview dv=new dataview(dt)
that's it

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