Are dml statements autocommit?
What is trigger types in sql?
What is sql and how does it work?
What is the purpose of primary key?
What is java sql package?
Why partition by is used in sql?
Which join condition can be specified using on clause?
Is a table valued function object?
What is Materialized View? In What Scenario we Use Materialized View?
can i write pl/sql code in a package
Are stored procedures faster than dynamic sql?
I have a small PL/SQL Block assume in this way begin select * from emp where empno=100; exception when others then <Some Messages> when no_data_found then <Some Messages> when too_many_rows then <Some Messages> end; The question which he asked was whether this block will get executed normally or it will throw error ? If errored out then what is the reason for the error ? Could anybody please help me ? Regards Nakul Venkataraman
What are the types pl/sql code blocks?