Can function return multiple values in sql?
discuss about myisam index statistics collection. : Sql dba
Why use truncate instead of delete?
Begin For j in 4403201000 .. 4403202000 Loop If mod (j, 100) = 0 then Dbms_output.put_line (j); End if; End loop; End; what will be the output of this question
what is difference between pass by value and eference by value in oracle plsql
What do you mean by stored procedures? How do we use it?
What are the two virtual tables available at the time of database trigger execution?
What are literals in sql server?
What is the difference between joins?
hi,i plan to put experience on PLSQL ,can anyone suggest me for any institutes in bangalore or how to prepare for interviews
If a procedure within a package is invalidated whether the entire package will be invalid and has to be recompiled again?
What is schema in sql example?
What is raid? How does it help storage of databases?