Can we call dml statement in function?
What is the execution plan in sql?
Is there any restriction on the use of union in embedded sql?
Why we use triggers in mysql?
What is the use of a view in sql?
What are the commands used in sql?
Dear All, Question for this Week Find out possible error(s) (either at compile time or at runtime) in the following PL/SQL block. State the reason(s) and correct the errors. Declare Cursor C1 is select ename, sal, comm from emp; Begin For i in C1 Loop If i.comm between 299 and 999 then Dbms_output.put_line(i.Ename || ‘ ** Good Commission’); Elsif i.comm > 999 then Dbms_output.put_line(i.Empno || ‘ ** Very Good Commission’); close C1; Else Dbms_output.put_line(i.Ename || ‘ ** ’ ||nvl(i.comm,‘O’)); End if; End Loop; End;
What is restrict in sql?
What are all the different normalization?
Which is better stored procedure or query?
Can you alter start with clause?
In testing where do we use sql language and how it helps in testing?
What are the two parts of design view?