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TCS Interview Questions
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Tell me about yourself?

229 511736

Describe a complex problem you have solved or haven't solved?

9 39462

What are your short-range and long-range goals and how do you expect to achieve them?

17 61595

What are your Greatest strengths and weaknesses?

47 181035

What do you expect of others in a team environment?

12 35694

How do you establish working relationships with new people?

11 42179

Where you would like to be in 5 years?

23 53756

what are the stages in Testing life cycle?

50 110704

What is Boundary Value Analysis(BVA) and Equivalence Class Partition(ECP)?

10 56173

What is your biggest strength ?

23 64308

what is tracebility matrix?

8 25428

what is test plan and what it consists?

15 59496

what is sevirity and who will decided that one?

11 23354

what are Recoring modea available in winrunner?

3 8529

What accessories required to give the motor with given circuits and do you know the ratings of those accessories?

4 28484

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what will happen if one could not properly follow the spacing of slab reinforcement bar?


How can you Implement windows functionality in VB?


Can there be two error transitions out of an activity ?


The skin of an animal is called the ‘hudson seal’ by furriers. Which is the animal?


How do I reinstall microsoft word?


What is a bean in spring?


Mention what are the three stages of data-mining?


How do I make one page landscape in excel?


what are the various types of device files?


to what does object drawing model refer? : Adobe flash


Explain what are single and multiple inheritances in c++?


how is market for testing in banglore,chennai,pune,delhi?


Mention what is the difference between an rdbms and hadoop?


Why am I not receiving emails on my iphone?


Which is the similar operation performed by the drop-out in neural network?