What is a temporal data type?
Which one of the following join types will always create a Cartesian Product? 1. CROSS JOIN 2. LEFT OUTER JOIN 3. RIGHT OUTER JOIN 4. FULL OUTER JOIN 5. INNER JOIN
What is difference between left and right outer join?
can i call procedure in package
how to retrieve last tree records from table? select *from emp where rownum > (select count(*)-3 from emp); i am using this query to get last three records from table but its not giving any output, so please tell me what is the error in this query.
What is the command used to fetch the first 5 characters of a string?
what is a trigger in mysql? : Sql dba
Is there a pl/sql pragma similar to deterministic, but for the scope of one single sql select?
How are multiple column = value pairs delimited in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement? 1. With commas (SET price = 0, status = 'I') 2. With parentheses (SET (price = 0) (status = 'I')) 3. With double-pipes (SET price = 0 || status = 'I') 4. With square-brackets (SET [price = 0] [status = 'I'] 5. With single or multiple spaces (SET price = 0 status = 'I')
Can any one tell me how to increase the performance of a sql query ie what are the performance tips in creating or writing a sql query !!?
How much does sql cost?
How sql query is executed?