What is difference between after and before?
What is sleeping status in sql server?
List down some advantages of sql stored procedure?
Why we should not use triggers?
What is sql language?
How to resolve the orphan use problem? : sql server security
What is the system function to get the current user's user id?
What is constraints and its types?
what is diffrent between store procedure and trigger
Find 2nd Highest salery in emp table Select* from emp where &n= select * count from emp where (salery >=emp.salery) Enter n value 2 These query is correct or not. Tell me any other methods.
How many ways to create table-valued functions?
Does order by actually change the order of the data in the tables or does it just change the output?
how can you select rexcord(rows) from table A which is not present in Table B . Id being the FK in Table B referencing to ID Table A