Which command is used to call a stored procedure?
How can you load multi line records? : aql loader
define a variable representing the expression used to calculate on emps total annual remuneration.use the variable in a statement which finds all emps who can earn 30000 a year or more.
I am creating an index on Emp table Empno column,if u using this indexed column in ur SELECT stmt. where clause,then how do u know that yr index will be working or nor? Thanks Advance...
what is sql and plsql
Differentiate between pl/sql and sql?
what is the difference between myisam static and myisam dynamic? : Sql dba
What is a boolean in sql?
What is integrity in sql?
How does rowid help in running a query faster?
one of the column in my table contains the data like SAL ---- 1000 1000 2000 3000 3000 So my requirement is i want output like SAL --- 1000 2000 3000 it mean i want to delete duplicate rows only how should u write query?
What are the different tcl commands in sql?
What is pl sql variable?