What is vector point function?
1. how to use the check option constraints in sql query..? 2.how to add data in a complex query ? 3.is it possible to use commit or rollback or savepoint in triggers...if not why please explain with examples...? 4.what is the difference between meterialized view and normal view..how to create materialized view and how to use it..? 5.what is varray...? what is the advantage of the varray ? please expalin with a simpel example..i want to load into a table (student no and name and his marks..) please give example.. 6.what are the bulk bind exceptions...how to use bulk bind and how to use bulk collect..please explain with example... 7.what is for update of and where current of ...? 8 what is the use of nowait ? 9.please give an example for nocopy in a simple plsql query 10.create an index in a table...tellme how to use the index in a where clause to do performance tunning...
What is sql and db2?
Can you selectively load only those records that you need? : aql loader
How do you get column names only for a table (sql server)?
How to remove duplicate rows from a table?.
select 1,col1,col2 from table1. output?
what is meant by DML?
How to return more than one value from a function?
Is natural join same as inner join?
what is a constraint? : Sql dba
What is loop in pl sql?
What are the benefits of using PL/SQL packages?